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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Miss United States 2010 Blogs - "Wake UP" ~ Dedicated to Brigette Barron & The People of Japan

My Blog today is dedicated to my dear friend Brigette Barron who lost her battle with Leukemia last Friday, she was and FOREVER will be an amazing spirit! Also, to all of those suffering in Japan and how you can help give back like some of my friends are already doing.

My friends joke with me sometimes and say that a Blog is for your personal thoughts, more than your charity events. So I decided to have a huge mixture of both today! My Blog is entitled "Wake UP"

First, I like to tell you about one of the most courageous women I have ever met Brigette Barron. 

I met Brigette at Children’s Hospital of Atlanta, I have often been stated as saying that volunteering at Children’s is like the Pringles chip slogan to me – “One Pop, You Can’t Stop”. After one visit to volunteer with the children and families at CHOA, you will truly be addicted to what the Hospital is doing to make a difference in so many peoples life’s. 

Brigette was one of the most beautiful young women I had ever met, she was not doing to well in my visit in January. However, Brigette like most young 17 year old girls loved music, when the song “Eye of the Tiger" came on in the background, from a Rock Band game in the back of the room; I asked her if she wanted to dance. I had planned to hold Brigette’s hands and just dance with her sitting down, but to my surprise she stood up. She began to dance and sing like no other. After the song ended, she wanted to dance more, so when we could not seem to get an Internet connection in the room, she quickly went to her cell phone. Even though it was an older phone with only 20 second ringtones that would play, she went through each and everyone. Brigette and I danced for 30 mins or more when the nurse came to administer her pain meds Brigitte told her “not now, I am having too much fun.” She knew the pain meds would help her pain but would also make her sleepy and she would not be able to dance. Nothing was slowing her down in that moment! 

When I left that day Brigette was smiling from ear to ear. She was one of the most amazing women I had ever gotten to volunteer with at CHOA. Her entire family was there her Mother, Sister, Uncle and Cousin. They where all very supportive of her and she keep telling me how much she loved her family and how important, no matter what, family should be first in your life. I left that day not knowing that would be my last visit with Brigette. But the time I spent with Brigette taught me so much and will forever change my life. Brigette caused me to "Wake UP."

As Americans we are easily caught up in the everyday superficial materialistic world around us. We some times get caught up trying to make the most money possible, so we can have the best house, drive the best car, live in the best neighbor, etc. 

My hope is that we can all learn from Brigette and the many kids of CHOA that lose their battle every day. She truly touched my heart and made me “Wake UP” to the world around me. 

So I write this to my friends and network as a call to action …Let's Wake UP! 

Sometimes we are so busy
 adding up our worries that we forget to count our
blessings. Never underestimate the power of your own actions. With one small gesture you can change a person's life. God puts us in each other's lives to impact one another
in some way. Helen Keller was quoted as saying, “The best and most beautiful things can not be seen or
touched - they must be felt with the heart”. 

Let’s “Wake UP” and forget about the small stuff everyday and start to embrace the important stuff in life Family, Health and Laughter. Brigette had the family and lots of laughter at CHOA, but she unfortunately could not find the health. I now try hard every morning to be grateful for my Health, My Family, My Laughter and I vow to help “Wake UP” others to do the same thing. When you read this I hope it puts a spin on your day, I hope it takes away the negative in your day and makes you think of all of the positives in your life. We all have so many things to be grateful for that we take for granted every day.

Brigette Eulogy: 
Miss Brigette Yvette Barron age 17 of Dallas Georgia passed away on Thursday, March 10, 2011 at her home. She had been in declining health since January 10, 2010. 

Miss Barron was born on April 8, 1993, in San Jose California. She is the daughter of Mrs. Janice Weems Burford and Mr. James Barron. 

Miss Barron was a 2011 graduate of South Paulding High School and was honored as a recipient of the Spartan Award. She was a member of the Cosmetology Club and received an award for her accomplishments. She was inducted as an honorary member of the Steel Hoggs Motorcycle Club. Miss Barron was also a member of Word of Life Christian Center in Powder Springs, GA. She will be remembered with fondness by all that had the pleasure of knowing her and will be missed by many

On the other promised Topic – Japan. I am very impressed what my friend Mark Mckenna, owner of Shape Medical Spa is doing to help raise funds for the people of Japan and I wanted to quickly share his story and encourage others to follow suit.

From Today Until Friday March 18th, Mark is donating 25% Of All Online Purchases To The Red Cross For Japan

Only 5 years ago, Mark’s life was changed forever by Hurricane Katrina. 

Mark says “This crisis in Japan, a horrendous union of natural and man-made disasters, reminds me all too much of what occurred in New Orleans. I can tell you all from first hand experience that tragic events such as these do not discriminate – rich and poor, old and young, women and men, all races and all PEOPLE can be equally impacted. I can remember receiving aid from the Red Cross here in Atlanta in the aftermath of Katrina. I now feel compelled to return the favor”.

I applaud Mark for giving back and wanted to share his idea so maybe others could also incorporate their own ways to raise money for the people of Japan. 

Here is the link to Marks Website to donate:

You can also SIMPLY TEXT 90999 to REDCROSS and it will automatically donated $10 Dollars to the Red Cross Relief fund for Japan

So here is my personal message in my blog today.... I can never imagine what the people f Japan are going through, what my friends Mark & Troy as well as thousands of others went through with Hurricane Katrina OR what Brigette’s family is going through – BUT what I can do is GIVE BACK. What I can do is MAKE A DIFFERENCE, even if it’s only one person at a time. 

If you like this bog – SHARE IT and tell a friend or someone in your network “Wake UP”
Be grateful for what you have, but also be greater than yourself and give back to others! 

Jessica Black
Miss United States 2010

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